My Journaling journey
I remember when I was younger I journaled a lot but then I got uncomfortable about it due to fear of my confidential information being breached as we had so many break-ins and we moved a lot. I substituted it with writing my thoughts on pages and tearing them up after. This year I began journaling consistently again because boy did I have a lot more things to process from last year into this year. I wasn't too fancy about a particular journal style but when I saw the book with the colored pages, I fell in love with it because I love colors. It has been so wonderful engaging in this lovely coping tool daily. Sometimes I would write once a day and on other days it may be three or more times. It really depends on my thoughts on a given day.
There is no particular process to journaling but I would say a good way is to recognize any unwanted thoughts that are lingering in your mind and write about them. Thoughts are things and thoughts affect our emotions and then it can be seen in our behavior so it is a great way to recognize why you do what you do or why you are not comfortable about a particular situation. What's even better is going through the previous days and experiencing your personal growth and gaining more self-awareness. Now I'm already on the red color pages and I am pretty sure the journal will be done before the new month. Thankfully I already got a new one unexpectedly yesterday as a gift from a teacher, God works in mysterious ways.
I am really grateful that I could encourage others along my journey to experience this amazing coping tool especially students because honestly, one isn't able to focus and study well when there are unwanted thoughts wandering in the mind. I hope that sharing my journey with you would encourage you to begin journaling as well 💗💙
Is journaling a tool you use or would you start using Journaling as a Coping Tool?
#ResilientWarrior #healthycoping #journalingjourney #copingtools