resilience building School Tour!
We help students conquer the SEA exam with our innovative artistic immersive experience incorporating puppetry with poetry, music, Zumba, drama and other engaging coping strategies to help students destress. Join us in helping students relieve stress, improve their memory, boost their confidence and creativity through the art of puppetry.
Started in 2022 during the pandemic, we worked with over 140 Standard 5 students from Point Fortin RC in a hybrid approach. Additionally, we partnered with the Trinidad and Tobago Childcare Training Academy where we worked with over 50 Standard 5 students of the Couva Anglican Primary School.
In 2023, our goal was to expand and incorporate more artistic activities for students where they can benefit from a more impactful and more immersive de-stressor experience prior to sitting the high stake SEA exam. We incorporated Zumba and poetry into the mix as well as coping cards that students can have and cherish even past exam date into their graduation. We impacted 8 schools and over 528 Standard 5 students for our Resilience Building Destressor School Tour 2023. See 2023 recap video here https://youtu.be/wKkQQVb1OGA
In 2024, we added yoga in which the students absolutely loved. We aim to continuously evolve and enhance students' experience with us each year to have give a fully immersive artistic experience students thoroughly enjoy. Our goal is to impact every school in Trinidad and Tobago and expand regionally throughout the Caribbean so that students can gain the experience of the Art of Puppetry through Survival Scholars Resilience Building Destressor School Tours.
2024 school tour recap video coming soon
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School Tour 2022
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