Today, the 1st of March is International Zero Discrimination Day! While the main focus when it comes to discrimination is race, less attention is paid to the different types of intelligence everyone has.
Some may be logically intelligent where they are good at solving problems in their head such as brain teaser or math.
Some may be linguistically intelligent where they are good at reading, writing, poetry and even telling jokes.
There's also spatial intelligence where they are good at solving spatially related problems and may be good at drawing, painting even reading maps.
Others may be musically intelligent where they are good at learning different sounds and are good at singing, playing instruments and/or even composing songs.
In addition some people are Bodily-kinesthetically intelligent where they are well in tune with their bodies which translates to skills in sports, dancing and even acting.
And some may be naturalistically intelligent where they are attracted towards nature and are especially conscious about the environment.
Stepping into some deeper territory, there are interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences.
Interpersonal intelligence refers to those who are good at dealing with people, talking and working as a team just comes naturally to them.
Intrapersonal intelligence refers to those who know themselves best by knowing their strengths, weaknesses and even their aspirations.
Its important to embrace all the different aspects of yourself, finding out what you're good at and what your not so good at. Everyone has their own set of talents and skills even if you don't see it.
Love this. Thank you so much for sharing